Friday, March 6, 2009

Today I worked on my completed adult novel. Well, I thought it was completed until I started to query. I received a few rejections as expected. When an agent suggested I edit it because there was too much backstory, I took a closer look at my work. I sat down and typed a few more pages adding action from the very first page. It sounds better but there are some places that I need to go through to make sure I haven't repeated the same information. As soon as I am done, I want to start sending out my query letters again. I am not against self-publishing but want to try this route first.

I have begun to do the same to my middlegrade book. I want to catch the reader from page one especially since it is a kid. I hate when I have to get thirty pages into a book to understand what the hell is going on. There have been some books that I couldn't buy a clue to understand. I had no clue what was going on until the end. It has happened to me more than once and even with some amazing authors.

I have a list of agents who I am going to query. I know my day will come. Like anything else, I must be patient. I have already"claimed" that it would be coming to fruition so now I have to do my part.

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