Tuesday, April 7, 2009

The days go too fast. I am not able to do all of the things I would like to do including write. I get home around six or so and when I look again it is eight o'clock. That is early but I get up at three thirty which comes pretty quick!

I was asked by a friend to be a guest writer on her blog. Pretty cool if I must say so myself. It is going to be about what we refer to as the "black church" and the "white church." I am excited about it and have been thinking about what I am going to write.

Today I received a response from examiner.com and I will be writing on there as well. I am going to be the crime examiner for Bucks County, PA. I did tell you I was working also?

Oh well, I could have nothing to do and that would definitely be worse...

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Another day of hard work. I spent the entire day editing. Tomorrow I will type the changes and my book will be complete again. It is funny because now I want to write a script for which I have absolutely no experience with. I read something today that defines what I feel about my writing. He said, "I am grinding like I only have twenty-four hours to live!" That is me. I am writing as if God is on His way. It is kind of scary to me but I can't shake the way I feel.

In a way it is good because it has me in front of the computer or jotting stuff down. I am eating, sleeping and drinking my ideas and stories. It was always there but now it is overflowing like never before. It is the most amazing thing.

I can't wait until next week because if I am unable to get it done tomorrow, I do have the two days off for Passover. I will get it done definitely before the end of next weekend. I am excited about that because then I will be ready to go again!

Then when it is done, I am going to finish my picture books while I query the middle grade and adult books. When they are finished I will move on to the next task which may be the script. I already have the idea in my head so I just have to get it down on paper. Remember, like I only have twenty fours! And, I plan on going to work in between. It is going to be a big task but success doesn't come easy. It never has and never will. I will be successful in commercial real estate and my books will sell. Success doesn't come if you don't claim it. I have done just that....

Friday, April 3, 2009

I haven't written in the past few days. I started in a new real estate office and have increased my hours. I have to make money and God presented my business partner and I with a wonderful opportunity. So, I am focusing on retail in commercial real estate in NYC and surrounding areas. We are in the marketing phase. I have the papercuts proving that I stuffed and sealed over four hundred envelopes yesterday.

When I leave the office, I am convinced I am going to write for at least an hour but that has not happened this week. I am off tomorrow and Sunday so I will be writing. My office is closed for two days next week in celebration of Passover so I can do a great deal of work then as well. I am looking forward to that time. I need to edit the final version of my adult book so that I can start sending query letters out again.

I gave my nephew my completed middle grade book to read. I wanted him to review it. Of course, my niece was offended because I didn't ask her to review it. Now she needs to have her own copy too so I have to go and mail her a copy over the weekend. I am excited that they both want to help me. In addition, children are honest and they will tell me if it is a good book or not. I think it is funny that I have them both signing contracts that they will write a one page review (at minimum) and have it returned to me no later than June 1st. I know they have school work so I wanted to give them enough time. Oh and you know it is for a fee. My nephew agreed immediately and requested fifty bucks! I laughed at him and we agreed to a lower fee. I have more for them to read so we will have to devise a plan.

I hope everyone has a safe week of happy writing!!

Sunday, March 22, 2009

I sent 60 pages of my revised novel to a high school friend. She was actually in my sister's class but you know how that goes. She is going to be a published author soon. She recently submitted her manuscript to her agent and things are moving along. I read a few pages of her book on her blog and can't wait to read it entirely. I am excited! I hope it brings her great success.

I want to go through my book again which I have almost memorized, lol! I have to make a few more changes. Then I will start querying again. My goal for next weekend is to query at least ten agents for both my middle grade fiction and my adult novel. I won't get my blessings if I don't put in the work.

I am watching some basketball now because I need a break from reading. I have to get ready for a busy work week too. I will try to edit as the week goes along so I can be ready for the weekend. For now, I am going to spend the rest of my Sunday relaxing. Four o'clock in the morning comes faster than you know. Have a great week!

Friday, March 20, 2009

I am doing the final editing on the final editing of my adult novel. I will hopefully be done over the weekend if I can fit it in between the other things I have to do. I am trying to familiarize myself with commercial real estate. I have just started focusing on it at work. It is a new venture and I am excited about it.

I am eager to learn so I bought a book to read. I will check it out over the next few days and hopefully it will soak in. However, in the meantime I will get this book done so that I can start querying again. I have to query for it to get published because right now I don't want to self-pubish. I can't send it out if it is not ready. So, my weekend goal is to get 'er done! Wish me luck!!

Monday, March 9, 2009

Today I set writing goals like every other day. I have been doing well completing them. I've been getting things done that I need to do. I spent hours editing yesterday and was so excited to do my final editing today. But when I went to do so I could not find my work anywhere on my computer. I searched and searched and never found what I had done yesterday. Luckily I found another copy of my work. There was a ten page difference from what I did yesterday.

I have no idea what happened to my copy especially when I know that I saved it more than once yesterday. I was angry at first but happy that I found the earlier version. It just made my work harder in that I had to incorporate the new changes with the old. Ten pages may not seem like a lot but it is when there are changes throughout.

I am going to save it in three differences places tonight and email it to myself. I usually email it to myself and forgot yesterday. I kind of miss my little Brother Word Processor because it never let me down. I love my computer too but I have had more problems with it than I ever had with my measly word processor. Actually, I never had a problem with my word processor which carried me through undergradute school and two different graduate programs.

I say all of this to say that I did not reach my goals today but hopefully will tomorrow. I also wanted to know, where is my word processor? Please, give it back!

Friday, March 6, 2009

Today I worked on my completed adult novel. Well, I thought it was completed until I started to query. I received a few rejections as expected. When an agent suggested I edit it because there was too much backstory, I took a closer look at my work. I sat down and typed a few more pages adding action from the very first page. It sounds better but there are some places that I need to go through to make sure I haven't repeated the same information. As soon as I am done, I want to start sending out my query letters again. I am not against self-publishing but want to try this route first.

I have begun to do the same to my middlegrade book. I want to catch the reader from page one especially since it is a kid. I hate when I have to get thirty pages into a book to understand what the hell is going on. There have been some books that I couldn't buy a clue to understand. I had no clue what was going on until the end. It has happened to me more than once and even with some amazing authors.

I have a list of agents who I am going to query. I know my day will come. Like anything else, I must be patient. I have already"claimed" that it would be coming to fruition so now I have to do my part.