Sunday, March 22, 2009

I sent 60 pages of my revised novel to a high school friend. She was actually in my sister's class but you know how that goes. She is going to be a published author soon. She recently submitted her manuscript to her agent and things are moving along. I read a few pages of her book on her blog and can't wait to read it entirely. I am excited! I hope it brings her great success.

I want to go through my book again which I have almost memorized, lol! I have to make a few more changes. Then I will start querying again. My goal for next weekend is to query at least ten agents for both my middle grade fiction and my adult novel. I won't get my blessings if I don't put in the work.

I am watching some basketball now because I need a break from reading. I have to get ready for a busy work week too. I will try to edit as the week goes along so I can be ready for the weekend. For now, I am going to spend the rest of my Sunday relaxing. Four o'clock in the morning comes faster than you know. Have a great week!

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